Verbascum thapsus

Common Name: 
common mullein, velvet dock, candlewicks, flannel leaf
Scientific Name: 
Verbascum thapsus L.
Family Name: 
Scrophulariaceae - Figwort Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced biennial, reproducing by seed
second year, reproductive, sturdy, seldom branched, woolly hairs, "winged" appearance from leaf bases
Stems of Common Mullein
Stems of Common Mullein
Stems of Common Mullein
first year basal rosette, oblong; second year on flowering stem, more pointed and smaller towards top, sessile with bases extend down stem - "winged" appearance; all leaves hair covered, woolly or flannel-like
Leaves of Common Mullein
Leaves of Common Mullein
Leaves of Common Mullein
5-petaled, sulfur-yellow; terminal spike, cylindrical, compact
Flowers of Common Mullein
Flowers of Common Mullein
Flowers of Common Mullein
Flowers of Common Mullein
Flowers of Common Mullein