Tridens flavus

Common Name: 
purpletop, greasegrass, tall redtop
Scientific Name: 
Tridens flavus (L.) A.S. Hitchc., Triodia flava, Triodia flavus
Family Name: 
Poaceae (Graminae) - Grass Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and short thick, rhizomes
upright, smooth, round but flattened below, tuft forming
Culms of Purpletop
Culms of Purpletop
blades flat, long, tapering to narrow point, smooth, white midrib prominent, rough margins, distinct line perpendicular to midrib on underside, underside glossy, rolled in bud; auricles absent; ligule ring of hairs, very short; sheaths flattened or keeled
Leaves of Purpletop
Leaves of Purpletop
panicle, terminal, open, often drooping when mature, oval to pyramidal, purple to dark purple sometimes almost black, usually covered with an oily or grease-like substance
Seedheads of Purpletop
Seedheads of Purpletop
Seedheads of Purpletop