Thlaspi arvense

Common Name: 
field pennycress
Scientific Name: 
Thlaspi arvense L.
Family Name: 
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) - Mustard Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native winter annual, reproducing by seed
upright, tall, branching above, smooth
Stems of Field Pennygrass
Stems of Field Pennygrass
basal leaves obovate, hairless, rosette; stem leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire or toothed, clasping the stem
4-petaled, white; terminal racemes elongating with age
Flowers of Field Pennygrass
Flowers of Field Pennygrass
Flowers of Field Pennygrass
Seed Pods
silicle flat, round, winged outer margin, notched tip
Seedpods of Field Pennygrass
Seedpods of Field Pennygrass
Seedpods of Field Pennygrass