Solidago sempervirens

Common Name: 
seashore goldenrod
Scientific Name: 
Solidago sempervirens L.
Family Name: 
Asteraceae (Compositae) - Aster or Sunflower Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native perennial, reproducing from seed
upright, thick base, stout, nearly smooth
Stems of Seashore Goldenrod
Stems of Seashore Goldenrod
Stems of Seashore Goldenrod
Stems of Seashore Goldenrod
alternate, oblanceolate, somewhat fleshy and waxy, entire, smooth or fine haired, sessile
heads of yellow disk (tubulate) and ray (ligulate) florets; terminal panicles, very dense, often leafy
Flowers of Seashore Goldenrod