Common Name: hedge mustardScientific Name: Sisymbrium officinale L.Family Name: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) - Mustard FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cycleintroduced annual or winter annual, reproducing by seed Stemsupright, tall, stiff, light green sometimes purplish, scattered white hairs below, often glaucous (light whitish powdery coating that wipes off) Leavesalternate, basal and lower are divided and pinnately lobed often to midvein, lobes narrow, upper divided into three lobes, margin irregularly toothed and clefted, lower petioled and upper sessile Flowers4-petaled, pale yellow; terminal and axillary racemes, racemes stiff, flowers in tight cluster at tip, racemes elongating after flower during pod formation Seed Podssilique, thin, held somewhat tight to stem, green becoming brown when mature