Silphium perfoliatum

Common Name: 
cup plant, cupleaf rosinweed, squarestem rosinweed, cup rosinweed
Scientific Name: 
Silphium perfoliatum L.
Family Name: 
Asteraceae (Compositae) - Aster or Sunflower Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and creeping rootstocks
upright, tall, stout, square, mostly smooth, green but sometimes reddish, unbranched below with some branching above
Stems of Cupplant
opposite, broadly lanceolate to oval, white veins, rough, margins strongly toothed, connate-perfoliated with leaf bases joining around stem to form a “cup”
Leaves of Cupplant
Leaves of Cupplant
Leaves of Cupplant
Leaves of Cupplant
heads of bright yellow rays (ligulate) florets around center of yellow or pale yellow disk (tubulate) florets; clusters terminal and axillary above, open, long stalked
Flowers of Cupplant
Flowers of Cupplant
Flowers of Cupplant