Silene alba

Common Name: 
white cockle, white campion
Scientific Name: 
Silene alba (Mill.) E.H.L. Krause, syn.
Family Name: 
Caryophyllaceae - Pink Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and occasionally by rootstocks
upright, branching, pubescent
Stems of White Cockle
Stems of White Cockle
Stems of White Cockle
opposite, ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, margined petioles below, sessile above
Leaves of White Cockle
5-petaled, white to sometime pinkish, "bladder -like"; petals notched; male and female on separate plants; calyx inflated, hairy, prominently veins (10 male or 20 female); open in evening; stalked and axillary
Flowers of White Cockle
Flowers of White Cockle
Flowers of White Cockle
Flowers of White Cockle
Flowers of White Cockle
Flowers of White Cockle