Scrophularia nodosa

Common Name: 
common figwort, knotted figwort, carpenter's square
Scientific Name: 
Scrophularia nodosa L.
Family Name: 
Scrophulariaceae - Figwort Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and nodular tubers
upright, often much branched, slender, smooth below and glandular pubescent above, squarish or four-angled with rounded corners, grooved
Stems of Common Figwort
opposite, oval to broadly lanceolate, leaf base truncate, margins toothed, petioled short (less than 1/3 the leaf blade) with winged margins
Leaves of Common Figwort
Leaves of Common Figwort
Leaves of Common Figwort
Leaves of Common Figwort
5-petaled, reddish brown to reddish-purple, green on outside, irregular 2-lipped and tubular; terminal panicle, open and pyramidal, leafless
Flowers of Common Figwort
Flowers of Common Figwort
Flowers of Common Figwort
Flowers of Common Figwort
Seed Pods
capsule, egg-shaped to nearly round, brown and shiny