Common Name: yellow-rattleScientific Name: Rhinanthus minor L. syn. Rhinanthus crista-galliFamily Name: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cycleintroduced summer annual - early season only, reproducing by seed, hemi-parasitic Stemsupright, simple or with a few branches, slightly hairy, sometimes black-spotted Leavesopposite or sub-opposite, triangularly lanceolate, simple, sessile, hair, toothed, conspicuously veined Flowersyellow, 5-petaled, irregular and tubular, upper lobe of two petals - hooded and sometimes purple at tip, lower lobes fused into three-lobed banner sometimes spotted, inflated calyx flat and veiny; racemes terminal and axillary above Seed Podsround, flat, seed rattle in pod when mature