Ranunculus ficaria

Common Name: 
lesser celadine, fig buttercup
Scientific Name: 
Ranunculus ficaria L.
Family Name: 
Ranunculaceae - Buttercup Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial (spring ephemeral), reproducing by seed, fleshy tubers roots and axillary bulblets (cream white)
upright or reclining, dense forming mat ground cover
Stems of Lesser Celandine
Stems of Lesser Celandine
Stems of Lesser Celandine
opposite, heart-shaped or kidney-shaped, dark green and sometimes faintly mottled with white, glossy, long petioles, margins entire or scalloped
Leaves of Lesser Celandine
8-12 petals, bright yellow, glossy, solitary, long stalked and held above foliage, 3-4 sepals
Flowers of Lesser Celandine
Flowers of Lesser Celandine
Flowers of Lesser Celandine