Common Name: kudzu, kudzu vineScientific Name: Pueraria montana (Lour.) MerrillFamily Name: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) - Pea or Bean FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cycleintroduced perennial, reproducing by seed and creeping roots Stemsvine, trailing or sprawling and climbing, herbaceous to semi-woody, hairy and green when young becoming hairless Leavesalternate, compound trifoliate with 3 leaflets, long petioled, dark green, leaflet broadly oval to nearly round, lobed (2 or 3) or unlobed, hairy above and below Flowers5-petaled, pea-like, reddish purple with upper petal yellow at base, fragrant grape scent; axillary racemes, elongated Seed Podspods, tan become brown, flattened, dense and long hairs, 3 to 10-seeded