Oxalis corniculata

Common Name: 
creeping woodsorrel, oxalis, sourgrass
Scientific Name: 
Oxalis corniculata L.
Family Name: 
Oxalidaceae - Woodsorrel Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing for seed and stolons
prostrate, branched at base, stolons rooting at nodes
Growth Habit of Creeping Woodsorrel
Growth Habit of Creeping Woodsorrel
Growth Habit of Creeping Woodsorrel
Growth Habit of Creeping Woodsorrel
Growth Habit of Creeping Woodsorrel
alternate, compound; leaflets 3, heart-shaped, light green to reddish-purple, hairy margins
Leaves of Creeping Woodsorrel
Leaves of Creeping Woodsorrel
5-petaled, yellow, long stalked; axillary clusters
Flowers of Creeping Woodsorrel
Seed Pods
cylindrical, pointed, flat sides, dehisces when mature