Common Name: sweet cicely, wooly sweet cicely, sweet jarvilScientific Name: Osmorhiza claytoni (Michx.) C. B. Clarke, Washingtonia claytoni, Myrrhis claytonii, Osmorhiza brevistylisFamily Name: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) - Carrot FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cyclenative perennial, reproducing by seed and creeping roots Stemsupright, much branched above, round, thin, white hairs and appear fuzzy Leavesalternate, pinnately compound three times, long petioled below to sessile above, leaflets oval, toothed or lobed, hairy, somewhat fern-like, hairy Flowers5-petaled, white; umbels, compound, flat-topped, somewhat sparse Other: roots and stems has anise or licorice scent when crushed