Lythrum salicaria

Common Name: 
purple loosestrife
Scientific Name: 
Lythrum salicaria L.
Family Name: 
Lythraceae - Loosestrife Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed
upright, tall, highly branched, 4-sided, often short haired
Stems of Purple Loosestrife
Stems of Purple Loosestrife
Stems of Purple Loosestrife
opposite or 3-whorled, lanceolate to linear, sessile
Leaves of Purple Loosestrife
5- to 7-petaled, pink to purple, three forms based on length of male and female floral parts; clusters form spikes, axillary above
Flowers of Purple Loosestrife
Flowers of Purple Loosestrife