Lobelia inflata

Common Name: 
Indian tobacco
Scientific Name: 
Lobelia inflata L.
Family Name: 
Lobeliaceae - Bluebell Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native annual, reproducing by seed
upright, hairy, branched, leafy
Growth Habit of Indian Tobacco
Growth Habit of Indian Tobacco
Growth Habit of Indian Tobacco
alternate, lanceolate to ovate or obovate, toothed margins
Leaves of Indian Tobacco
Leaves of Indian Tobacco
5-petaled, pale blue to violet sometimes white, petals fused into tube; petals - 3 lower curve downward, 2 upper curved upward; short stalked, axillary
Flowers of Indian Tobacco
Flowers of Indian Tobacco
Flowers of Indian Tobacco
Flowers of Indian Tobacco