Lepidium virginicum

Common Name: 
Virginia pepperweed, wild peppergrass
Scientific Name: 
Lepidium virginicum L.
Family Name: 
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) - Mustard Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native winter or summer annual, reproducing by seed
upright, branched, glabrous or finely haired
Stems of Virginia Pepperweed
Stems of Virginia Pepperweed
Stems of Virginia Pepperweed
Stems of Virginia Pepperweed
Stems of Virginia Pepperweed
basal rosette, obovate, single large terminal lobe, numerous small lateral lobes, not present during flowering; stem leaves lanceolate or linear, toothed, sessile
Leaves of Virginia Pepperweed
Leaves of Virginia Pepperweed
4-petaled, white or greenish white, small; terminal racemes
Seed Pods
silicle, round, flat, 2-seeded, tip with small notch