Common Name: field pepperweed, field peppergrass, cow-cressScientific Name: Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br.Family Name: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) - Mustard FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cycleintroduced winter annual, reproducing by seed Stems reproductive, pubescent seldom hairless, tall, branched, very leafy Leavesbasal rosette, oblong or oblanceolate, petioled, often with deeply cut base; stem leaves alternate, oblong to lanceolate, entire or slightly dentate, arrow-shaped, clasping; all leaves short haired Flowers4-petaled, white or greenish-white, small, unnoticeable; racemes above Seed Pods silicle, ovate, spoon-shaped, tip winged, notched with projection, stout stalked