Lactuca biennis

Common Name: 
biennial lettuce, tall blue lettuce
Scientific Name: 
Lactuca biennis (Moench) Fern.
Family Name: 
Asteraceae (Compositae) - Aster or Sunflower Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native biennial, reproducing by seed
upright, very tall, very leafy, smooth, branched above during flowering
Stems of Biennial Lettuce
Stems of Biennial Lettuce
Stems of Biennial Lettuce
alternate, large, elongated, deeply cut pinnate lobes, lobes roughly triangular, margins toothed, smooth, petioled below, somewhat clasping above
Leaves of Biennial Lettuce
Leaves of Biennial Lettuce
Leaves of Biennial Lettuce
heads of light blue, cream or sometimes yellow ray (ligulate) florets, heads urn-shaped; compact clusters, large, terminal
Flowers of Biennial Lettuce
Flowers of Biennial Lettuce
Flowers of Biennial Lettuce
contains milky sap