Impatiens capensis

Common Name: 
spotted touch-me-not, jewelweed
Scientific Name: 
Impatiens capensis Meerb.
Family Name: 
Balsaminaceae - Touch-Me-Not Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native annual, reproducing by seed
upright, smooth, branched, tall, translucent, watery when broken
Growth Habit of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Growth Habit of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Growth Habit of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
orange-yellow, funnel-shaped, mottled with reddish brown spot inside and outside, curved spur at funnel point, 2-4 flowered axillary clusters
Flowers of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Flowers of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Flowers of Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Seed Pods
capsules, dehiscent when mature