Common Name: beggarslice, virginia stickseedScientific Name: Hackelia virginiana (L.) I. M. Johnst.Family Name: Boraginaceae - Borage FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cyclenative biennial, reproducing by seed and forming large colonies Stemsupright, stout, single from base, branched above, branches perpendicular to stem, rough and fine white hairs, frequently with dark purple striations and sometimes ribbed below Leavesalternate, basal oval heart-shaped to oval with long winged petioles, stem leaves narrowly oval or lanceolate oblong and sessile, tapering at both ends, fine hairs on larger veins Flowers5-petaled, white sometimes light blue, small and rather inconspicuous, forming tube, compact at tip and elongating with maturity, hanging downwards; terminal and axillary above, raceme-like clusters Fruitcapsule, round, dense barbed bristles, subtended with small bracts, 4-parted with 4 seeds