Galium mollugo

Common Name: 
smooth bedstraw, wild madder
Scientific Name: 
Galium mollugo L
Family Name: 
Rubiaceae - Madder Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and rhizomes
initial upright then sprawling, slender, smooth, weak, square, much-branched
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
Stems of Smooth Bedstraw
oblanceolate to obovate, bright green, whorled 6 to 8 per node, sessile
Leaves of Smooth Bedstraw
Leaves of Smooth Bedstraw
Leaves of Smooth Bedstraw
4-petaled, small, white; stalked axillary clusters
Flowers of Smooth Bedstraw
Flowers of Smooth Bedstraw
Flowers of Smooth Bedstraw
round, smooth
Fruit of Smooth Bedstraw
Fruit of Smooth Bedstraw
Fruit of Smooth Bedstraw