Common Name: catchweed bedstraw, cleavers, stickywilly, annual bedstrawScientific Name: Galium aparine L.Family Name: Rubiaceae - Madder FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cyclenative annual, reproducing by seed Stemsreclining-ascending to upright when young, sprawling habit, 4-sided, hollow, single row of downward-facing prickles on edges, many from base, branching Leaveswhorled 6 to 8 per node, linear to oblanceolate, sessile, bristle tip, margins entire, rough hairs on margins and underside midrib, hook-tipped hairs above Flowers4-petaled, white to greenish-white, small; axillary (above) and terminal clusters of 2 to 5 flowers Fruitnearly round, bristly or rough hooked hairs