Daucus carota

Common Name: 
wild carrot, queen Anne's lace, bird's nest
Scientific Name: 
Daucus carota L.
Family Name: 
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) - Carrot Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced biennial, reproducing by seed
second year, reproductive, upright, hollow, hairy, branched above
Stems of Wild Carrot
Stems of Wild Carrot
Stems of Wild Carrot
Stems of Wild Carrot
Stems of Wild Carrot
finely pinnately compound, long petioles, rosette; alternate on flowering stems
Leaves of Wild Carrot
5-petaled, white; clustered in flat-topped terminal umbels; single purple flower in umbel center, umbel usually curls when mature
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot
Flowers of Wild Carrot