Cicuta maculata

Common Name: 
spotted water hemlock, spotted cowbane
Scientific Name: 
Cicuta maculata L.
Family Name: 
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) - Carrot Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native biennial or perennial, reproducing by seed and tubers
upright, branched, stout, smooth, hollow, ridged, often spotted with purple streaks, purple nodes, hollow stem base cavity with horizontal pithy “dividers”, single or multiple form base
Stems of Spotted Waterhemlock
Stems of Spotted Waterhemlock
Stems of Spotted Waterhemlock
alternate, 2 or 3 times pinnately compound, smooth, leaflets lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate and toothed, lower long petioled, upper short petioled, petioles clasping the stem
Leaves of Spotted Waterhemlock
Leaves of Spotted Waterhemlock
Leaves of Spotted Waterhemlock
5-petaled, white, small, compound umbel; axillary and terminal
Flowers of Spotted Waterhemlock
Flowers of Spotted Waterhemlock
Flowers of Spotted Waterhemlock
Flowers of Spotted Waterhemlock
Flowers of Spotted Waterhemlock