Chenopodium album

Common Name: 
common lambsquarters, white goosefoot, mealweed, fat hen
Scientific Name: 
Chenopodium album L.
Family Name: 
Chenopodiaceae - Goosefoot Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced annual, reproducing by seeds
upright, hairless, branched; often appear reddish-purple, red or light green striated, conspicuous grooves
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
Stems of Common Lambsquarters
alternate, triangular, toothed, mealy white coating (especially below)
Leaves of Common Lambsquarters
Leaves of Common Lambsquarters
Leaves of Common Lambsquarters
green, small, no petals absent; clusters form axillary panicles
Flowers of Common Lambsquarters