Bidens frondosa

Common Name: 
beggarticks, devil's sticktight
Scientific Name: 
Bidens frondosa L.
Family Name: 
Asteraceae (Compositae) - Aster or Sunflower Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
native annual, reproducing by seed
upright, branched above, smooth to slightly hairy, 4-angled, frequently purplish
Stems of Devil's Beggarticks
Stems of Devil's Beggarticks
Stems of Devil's Beggarticks
Stems of Devil's Beggarticks
opposite, often simple above, pinnately compound, 3-5 leaflets; leaflets lanceolate, toothed, terminal leaflet stalked, very small hairs
Leaves of Devil's Beggarticks
Leaves of Devil's Beggarticks
Leaves of Devil's Beggarticks
heads of yellow-orange disk (tubulate) florets and yellow ray (ligulate) florets when present are few, small and rounded; axillary and terminal, long stalked, leaf-like bracts at base
Flowers of Devil's Beggarticks
Flowers of Devil's Beggarticks
Flowers of Devil's Beggarticks
Flowers of Devil's Beggarticks
Seed Pods
flat, brown, two barbed spines at one end