Aralia spinosa

Common Name: 
devil's walkingstick
Scientific Name: 
Aralia spinosa L.
Family Name: 
Araliaceae - Aralia Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and rhizomes
upright, shrub or small tree, stout, ash gray to tan, smooth, spined or prickled, stem usually unbranched until first inflorescence, appear somewhat flat-topped, leaf scars U-shaged and lined with spines
Stems of Devil's-Walkingstick
Stems of Devil's-Walkingstick
Stems of Devil's-Walkingstick
Stems of Devil's-Walkingstick
Stems of Devil's-Walkingstick
alternate, bi- or tri-pinnately compound, large, green to blue-green above and paler below; leaflets sessile to very short stalked, oval, toothed, tapering to a point; midvein and rachis with scattered prickles; most often near top of stem
Leaves of Devil's-Walkingstick
Leaves of Devil's-Walkingstick
Leaves of Devil's-Walkingstick
Leaves of Devil's-Walkingstick
5-petaled, white to cream white, very small, reflexed; clusters large, panicle of umbels
drupe, round, green to purple or black when mature, stems of fruit clusters red