Anthoxanthum odoratum

Common Name: 
sweet vernalgrass
Scientific Name: 
Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Family Name: 
Poaceae (Graminae) - Grass Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed and short, thin rhizomes
upright, stiff, forming tuft, smooth
Growth Habit of Sweet Vernalgrass
Growth Habit of Sweet Vernalgrass
Growth Habit of Sweet Vernalgrass
Growth Habit of Sweet Vernalgrass
blades flat, bright green, hairy particularly near base, margins rough; rolled in bud; auricles absent; ligule membranous with very small hairs on top, large; sheaths smooth or sometimes finely haired, margins transparent, overlapping
spike-like cylindrical panicle, terminal, green, dense, anthers usually present, one of the first grasses to flower in the spring
Seedheads of Sweet Vernalgrass
Seedheads of Sweet Vernalgrass