Common Name: hog-peanutScientific Name: Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern.Family Name: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) - Pea or Bean FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cyclenative annual or short-lived perennial, reproducing by seed Stemsherbaceous vine, twining or trailing, thin, slightly pubescent Leavesalternate, compound with three leaflets, long petiole, leaflets broadly ovate to somewhat triangular the end one larger that the two side ones and longer stalked, sharp pointed, usually asymmetric bases, leaf stem hairy Flowerspeal-like, elongate and somewhat narrow, pale purple or creamy white, axillary racemes, long stemmed, somewhat compact, cleistogamous flowers present, lacking petals and producing one seeded fruits at or under soil surface Fruitpod, flat, oblong, green, 3 or 4-seeded, seeds spotted, cleistogamous pod one-seeded