Common Name: meadow foxtailScientific Name: Alopecurus pratensis L.Family Name: Poaceae (Graminae) - Grass FamilyIdentification NotesLife Cycleintroduced perennial, reproducing by seed, short rhizomes and short ascending stolons, forming loose tufts Culmsupright or ascending, simple, loose tufts, smooth or mostly so, sometimes rooting at nodes Leavesleaves mostly toward base; blades ridged and rough above, slightly keeled and rough to smooth below, margins very rough; rolled in bud; auricles absent; ligule membranous, truncate to somewhat rounded, sometimes toothed or haired, faintly striated; sheath Seedheadsspike-like panicle, cylindrical, terminal, dense, narrowing to a point, silky hairs and soft to touch, green to gray becoming straw-colored and chaffy, early flowering