Green Pear Smoothie

Green Pear Smoothie

Serves: 3

Fruits and Vegetables: 1 cup per serving


2 very ripe pears, cored and chopped

2 cups fresh baby spinach

1 cup coconut water or tap water

4 ice cubes


  1. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables
  2. Place all ingredients in the blender.
  3. Blend until smooth.

Nutrition Facts

Serving size (with coconut water): 1 cup; Calories: 90; Carbohydrates: 22 g; Fiber: 5 g; Fat: 0 g; Saturated fat: 0 g; Sodium: 100 mg


This material is provided with funding from USDA’s SNAP and/or EFNEP programs. For more information about SNAP-Ed and EFNEP programs, visit Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment and UMass Extension are equal opportunity providers and employers, United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Contact your local Extension office for information on disability accommodations. Contact the State Center Director’s Office if you have concerns related to discrimination at 413-545-4800, or see