Common Name: Bee-BalmScientific Name Genus: MonardaFamily Name: LamiaceaeIdentification Notes is a very attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and moths as well as powdery mildew disease. Leaves can be used to make tea.Life CyclePerennial Growth Habiterect, clumps, up to 4 feet tall. Leavesopposite, ovate-lanceolate to 4 inches long, apex sharp, margins serrate-dentate short-petioled Flowersindividual flowers are tubular, about 2 inches long and arranged in dense, terminal clusters. Colors are red, white, or pink. Bloom TimeSummer Propagation Methodstem suttings, division (rhizome), every 2-3 years spring or fall. Landscape Usesmg; bg; naturalistic areas