Common Name: BeautybushScientific Name Genus: KolkwitziaFamily Name: CaprifoliaceaeIdentification NotesBest grown in an average, well-drained soil in full sun. Regenerative pruning helps to maintain good form and prevents plants from becoming overgrown. Selected branches can be removed yearly or a hard prune can be performed after a number of years. Pruning is best done in late winter or immediately after flowering. Plants bloom on the previous season's wood so late winter pruning will prevent blooms. Native HabitatNative to central China. Zones 4-8. Growth HabitLarge growing shrub, 6-10' tall and wide.Upright arching habit, multistemmed providing a vase or fountain-like effect. Can become leggy with age and benefits from pruning to help improve form. LeavesDark green, ovate with an acuminate tip, opposite. Pubescent with a few teeth along the margin.Fall color is yellow, but not all that attractive. Bark and StemsLight brown bark that peals on older stems. Somewhat interesting in winter. FlowersBell-shaped pink flowers with yellow throats. Small (1/2" long and wide) but in clusters along the stems. Main ornamental feature. Showy when in bloom. May. FruitSmall bristly, seed capsules that split open to release seeds. Persist into winter. Bloom TimeMay Common ProblemsNo serious insect of disease problems. Downside is one main season of interest. Varieties or Cultivars'Maradco', Dream Catcher: leaves emerge in copper tones and turn yellow by bloom time in May. Lime green in summer and orange-gold in fall'Pink Cloud' - larger, more prolific pink blooms Landscape UsesShrub border or hedge. Can be used as a specimen or effective in mass.