Portulaca oleracea

Common Name: 
common purslane, wild portulaca, pursley, pusley
Scientific Name: 
Portulaca oleracea L.
Family Name: 
Portulacaceae - Purslane Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced annual, reproducing by seed and stem segments can root
prostrate, often ends upturning, smooth, branching, succulent, often red, mat forming
Stems of Common Purslane
Stems of Common Purslane
Stems of Common Purslane
Stems of Common Purslane
Stems of Common Purslane
alternate (densely arranged may appear opposite), oval to wedge-shaped, narrower at base, smooth, succulent, very shiny
Leaves of Common Purslane
5-petaled, yellow ; solitary, axillary or terminal clusters; opening when sunny
Flowers of Common Purslane