Lotus corniculatus

Common Name: 
birdfoot trefoil
Scientific Name: 
Lotus corniculatus L.
Family Name: 
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) - Pea or Bean Family
Identification Notes
Life Cycle
introduced perennial, reproducing by seed, stolons and rhizomes
prostrate to upright, glabrous to sometimes pubescent, branched
Growth Habit of Birdfoot Trefoil
Growth Habit of Birdfoot Trefoil
Growth Habit of Birdfoot Trefoil
Growth Habit of Birdfoot Trefoil
compound, 5 leaflets; leaflets pointed, elliptic to linear, sessile, 3 leaflets apical, 2 leaflet basal resemble stipules
Leaves of Birdfoot Trefoil
bright yellow, long stalked; 3-10 in flat-topped umbel; axillary and terminal
Flowers of Birdfoot Trefoil
Flowers of Birdfoot Trefoil
Flowers of Birdfoot Trefoil
Seed Pods
long, spurred tip, resembles bird's foot
Seedpods of Birdfoot Trefoil